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Thursday, April 6, 2023

What is Digital photogrammetry in engineering survey?


Modern survey equipment

Ultramodern check outfit Although traditional theodolites, situations and videotapes are still used on point, numerous instruments and systems are now available for engineering checks. These include total stations which are able of measuring angles and distances with a high degree of perfection in a single instrument. moment, these are high- performance opto- electrical instruments with numerous different measuring functions erected into them. They can be used with data reporters, field computers and regulators to read, store and edit data on point and can use the rearmost wireless technology for data transfer. The rearmost generation of total stations have scanning and imaging technology erected into them.

Surveying for Engineers

. The digital position( see Section2.2 Levelling outfit) is a analogous instrument, but this reads and records height information by using digital image- processing ways. The outfit that has had the biggest impact on engineering surveying in recent times are satellite positioning systems. The Global Positioning System( GPS) was the first and of these to be developed survey system, but as there are more type available and planned, the term Global Navigation Satellite Systems survey( GNSS) is now used to describe these. GNSS bias are familiar to utmost people as commodity they might use in their buses for navigation or for chart reading when out walking. still, GNSS receivers are used considerably in surveying for control checks, mapping, setting out and in Civilians. With GNSS, it's possible to gain three- dimensional position at any time anywhere with an delicacy at the metre position for Civilians, but at the centimetre position for control surveys and setting out. GNSS and their operations in engineering surveying are deseamed in Chapters 7 and 8 of Surveying for masterminds. Although photogrammetry using film- grounded cameras and logical plotters has been in use for a long time, a development that has revolutionised this is the use of digital cameras and plotters.

Total station

Digital photogrammetry

 Digital photogrammetry best uses workstations for mapping in survey which digital images are displayed on a computer screen survey. These are integrated hardearthenware and software systems for photogrammetric processing, data prisoner and analysis of softcopy images. They're particularly suitable for generating digital terrain models, orthophotography and perspective views for visualisation. Digital orthophotos look like conventional upstanding photos, but they've the delicacy of a chart. These are used considerably for Civilians and in engineering to produce cover- throughs and for showing as- erected images at the design stage of a design. Indeed though photogrammetry is still the favored system for producing digital terrain models of large areas, other arising technologies are challenging this. These include LiDAR and IFSAR( InterFerometric Synthetic orifice Radar). LiDAR involves measuring the time it takes ray beats to travel from an aircraft to the ground and back to determine elevation data. This is able of landing data at veritably fast rates at sub-metre rigor. In discrepancy, IFSAR uses radar imagery attained from an aircraft for producing terrain data. Both of these technologies have the advantage of being remote seeing ways. 12 Surveying for masterminds Another technology that's used considerably in engineering checks is ray checkupning. These instruments use a rotating ray distance and angle measuring system to automatically record the three- dimensional equals of the face of an object. They're veritably good for producing as- erected CAD models of complex structures, for calculating areas and volumes and for generating images for 3D visualisations. Being a non-contact system of dimension, ray scanners can be used in areas where access is delicate or confined for safety reasons. Photogrammetry, remote seeing ways and ray scanners are described in Chapter 10 of Surveying for masterminds.

Data collection 

Data collection, computers and dispatches For numerous surveying operations, data collection using pencil and paper is a thing of the history, and a number of different styles of recording data electronically have evolved to replace these. moment, data collectors and regulators( as shown in Figure ) have replaced pencil and paper these are connected to a check instrument and also programmed to ask the driver to record data and perform computations. Field computers are also available and these are laptop computers acclimated to check data collection. Data collectors, regulators and field computers are interactive bias, but data can also be stored on memory cards which are plugged into an instrument. These are analogous to the compact flash cards used in digital cameras and utmost check instruments will also have an internal memory able of bulk storehouse. All of these styles enable large quantities of data to be stored fluently, and without these, utmost of the new surveying technologies would not be possible. For illustration, GNSS, ray scanning and airborne terrain modelling all calculate on enormous quantities of data being collected and stored at veritably fast rates. Advanced handheld or onboard computer technology makes it possible for checkors to have as important computing power on point as in the office and it provides the hardearthenware demanded to run the sophisticated operations and data collecting software now available. The tackle platform frequently used is the Windows CE operating system marketed by Microsoft. This provides a single platform from which it's possible to run several software operations programs and it allows different instruments to be used with the same data collector. Windows CE also provides Internet access on point.

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