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Friday, May 20, 2022

How do you calculate volume of stone masonry wall and quantity of cement, sand, and stone in stonemasonry wall?,Function of retaining wall,types of retaining wall,function of retaining wall,

 Definition Retaining walls .

are perpendicular or near-perpendicular structures designed to retain material on one side, precluding it from collapsing or slipping or precluding corrosion. They give support to terrain where the soil's angle of repose is exceeded and it would else collapse into a more natural form.

Types of Retaining Wall.

An earth retaining structure can be considered to have the following types

Graveness Walls

Reinforced Graveness Walls

Concrete Stake retaining wall

Counter-fort/ Buttressed retaining wall

Precast concrete Ret wall

Pre-stressed retaining wall


Brick Masonry retaining wall


Reinforced Soil Walls

Reinforced Soil

Soil Nailing

Hybrid System

Anchored Earth ret wall

Tagged Gabion

Tagged Concrete Block


Graveness Retaining Walls.

Graveness retaining walls Retaining Wall Cross section Designrelies on their huge weight to retain the material behind it and achieve stability against failures. Graveness Retaining Wall can be constructed from concrete, gravestone or indeed slipup masonry. Graveness retaining walls are important thicker in section. Figure of these walls also help them to maintain the stability. Mass concrete walls are suitable for retained heights of over to 3 m. The cross section shape of the wall is affected by stability, the use of space in front of the wall, the needed wall appearance and the system of construction.

Reinforced Retaining Walls.

Reinforced concrete and corroborated masonry walls on spread foundations are graveness structures in which the stability against capsizing is handed by the weight of the wall and underpinning bars in the wall. The following are the main types of wall

Concrete Stake retaining wall.

A stake retaining wall is one that consists of a wall which is connected to foundation. A stake wall holds back a significant quantum of soil, so it must be well finagled. They're the most common type used as retaining walls. Cantilever wall rest on a arbor foundation. This arbor foundation is also loaded by back- fill and therefore the weight of the reverse- filler and cargo also stabilizes the wall against capsizing and sliding.

Counter-fort/ Buttressed retaining wall.

Counterfort walls are stake walls strengthened with counter castles monolithic with the reverse of the wall arbor and base arbor. Thecounter-forts act as pressure stiffeners and connect the wall arbor and the base to reduce the bending and shearing stresses. To reduce the bending moments in perpendicular walls of great height, counterforts are used, spaced at distances from each other equal to or slightly larger than one- half of the height Counter castles are used for high walls with heights lesser than 8 to 12m.

how to calculate volume of stone masonry wall

How to calculate volume of gravestone masonry wall volume of beach cement and labour cost
First of all you know how to find pitch in wall through the introductory formula.

For pitch formula

If the give in drawing base or height. How to find slop

Base/ height = pitch

For height formula

If the give slop or base also you find height

Base/ pitch = height

For base formula

If the height or slop given also find base

Pitch x height = Base

Volume of this section of wall

How to calculate volume of gravestone masonry wall volume of beach cement and labour cost.

Step 1st Find gravestone volume.

Length of wall is 8 m

V1 = 8x0.23 x2.2 = 4.04 m3

V2 = 0.61.9/ 2 = 1.25 x4.72 x8 = 47.2 m3

V3 = 0.05 x0.6 x8 = 0.24 m3

Total volume

47.20.24 = 51.488 m3

Step 2 Find needed cement.

Given 1m3 = 1.5 bag

Total cement = 51.488 x1.5 = 77.23 bags

Volume of 1 bag cement in m3 = 0.0347 m3

x0.0347 = 0.05205 m3

bag of dry cement =

x77.23 = 2.679 m3

Step 3 Find needed beach.

Rate = 15

Beach should be use 5 time of cement.

1m3 = o. 5205x5 = 0.26025 m3

Total volume of send = 0.26025 x51.488 = 13.39 m3

Step 4 Find needed gravestone.

Total gravestone = total volume- cement volume- beach volume

-13.39-2.679 = 31.419 m3

Step 5 Foundation

L = 8m B = 4m. H = 2m

Volume = 8x4x2 = 64m3

Total volume = 51.488 m3

Cement = 77.23 bags. (2.679 m3)

Beach = 13.30 m3

Gravestone = 35.419 m3

Foundations = 64m3

Rate analysis.

Gravestone = 35.419 m3

Per tractor = 2.5 m3

Take2.5 m3

= 35.4194.109/ 2 = 14.167

Per tractor = Rs 4500/-

4500x14.167 = Rs63754.2/-

Cement = 77.23

Per bag = Rs 750

Take 750x77.23 = Rs57922.5/-

Beach = 13.39 m3

Tractor = Rs4500

Per tractor2.5 m3

/2.25 = 5.356. tractor

4500x3.356 = Rs 24102/-

Labour per m3 Rs 1400

Total cost = 1400x51.488 = Rs72083.2/-

Foundation = 64m3

per hour rate = Rs 6000

Per mint = 100

Time taken = 40mint

40x100 = Rs 4000

Total cost

Gravestone = Rs63754.2

Cement = Rs57922.52

Beach = Rs24102.1

Labour = Rs72083.2

Foundation = Rs 4000

Masonry cast = Rs20000

Total = Rs241861.9