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Friday, May 20, 2022

What is foundation in civil engineering,Types of foundation in civil engineering,What are different types of footings,what are column footings used for?

Definition of Foundation.

Foundation is the smallest part of the structure or the civil structure that's in direct contact with the soil which transfers loads from the structure to the soil safely. Generally, the foundation can be classified into two, videlicet shallow foundation and deep foundation. A shallow foundation transfers the cargo to a stratum present in a shallow depth. The deep foundation transfers the cargo to a deeper depth below the ground face. A altitudinous structure like a hutment or a structure constructed on veritably weak soil requires deep foundation . However, also a deep foundation must be suggested, If the constructed structure has the plan to extend vertically in future.

plane of house

Type of foundation.


Footing is a part of structure that transfer that cargo of structure in underlaying soil. 

Type of footings.

Footing is a type of shallow foundation.

There are numerous type of footings use in construction list in below.


1 wall footings


2 Insulate footings


3 Stepped footings


4 Combined footings


5 Spread footings


Spread Footings.

Spread footings is a use for columns or cargo distribute on compacted soil.


Combined footings.

concrete base lean concrete

When two or further columns in one footing that's called combined footing. it may be blockish or trapezoidal shape.

Concerted footing give for the ensuing conditions.

When the columns are to close each other

When the soil bearing capacity is low

Also give combined footings.

Insulated footings.

This type of footings may be blockish. indirect arbor give in under columns.

Wall footings.

Wall footings is type of shallow footing it's cargo distribute acrose the cargo on ground

That's known wall footings.

Stepped footing.

These type of footing made is bricks masonry. solid blok masonry. Stone masonry.

That type of footing use for Essence sword columns and down from direct connect with soil and save from sharp affects. 

That type of standing use to transmitted the cargo of essence sword columns to bellow ground.

To construct a foundation, fosses are dig deeper into the soil till a hard stratum is reached. To get stronger base foundation concrete is poured into this fosse. These fosses are incorporated with underpinning pen to increase the strength of the foundation. The projected sword rods that are projected outwards act as the bones and must be connected with the substructure over. Once the foundation has been packed rightly the construction of the structure can be started. The construction of the foundation can be done with concrete, sword, monuments, bricks etc. The material and the type of foundation named for the asked structure depends on the design loads and the type of underpinning soil. The design of the foundation must incorporate different goods of construction on the terrain. For illustration, the digging and piling works done for deep foundation may affect in adverse disturbance to the near soil and structural foundation. These can occasionally beget the agreement issues of the near structure. Similar goods have to be studied and taken care before witnessing similar operations. Disposal of the waste material from the operations must be disposed duly. The construction of foundation has to be done to repel the external attack of dangerous substances. The foundation for each structure is designed similar that

The underpinning soil below the foundation structure doesn't suffer shear failure

The agreement caused during the first service cargo or have to be within the limit

Permissible bearing pressure can be defined as the pressure the soil can repel without failure.

What's the Purpose of Foundation?

Foundations are handed for all cargo carrying structure for following purposes

Foundation are the main reason behind the stability of any structure. The stronger is the foundation, more stable is the structure.

The proper design and construction of foundations give a proper face for the development of the substructure in a proper position and over a firm bed.

Especially designed foundation helps in avoiding the side movements of the supporting material.

A proper foundation distributes cargo on to the face of the bed slightly. This invariant transfer helps in avoiding unstable agreement of the structure. Differential agreement is an undesirable structure effect.

The foundation serves the purpose of fully distributing the cargo from the structure over a large base area and also to the soil underneath. This cargo transferred to the soil should be within the permissible bearing capacity of the soil.

Functions of Foundation in Construction.

Grounded on the purposes of foundation in construction, the main functions of the foundation can be enlisted as below

Give overall side stability for the structure

Foundation serve the function of furnishing a position face for the construction of substructure

Cargo Distribution is carried out unevenly

The cargo intensity is reduced to be within the safe bearing capacity of the soil

The soil movement effect is defied and averted

Combing and the undermining issues are answered by the construction of foundation

Conditions of a Good Foundation.

The design and the construction of a well- performing foundation must retain some introductory conditions that mustn't be ignored. They are

The design and the construction of the foundation is done similar that it can sustain as well as transmit the dead and the assessed loads to the soil. This transfer has to be carried out without performing in any form of agreement that can affect in any form of stability issues for the structure.

Differential agreements can be avoided by having a rigid base for the foundation. These issues are more pronounced in areas where the superimposed loads aren't invariant in nature.

Grounded on the soil and area it's recommended to have a deeper foundation so that it can guard any form of damage or torture. These are substantially caused due to the problem of loss and swelling because of temperature changes.

The position of the foundation chosen must be an area that isn't affected or told by unborn workshop or factors.

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