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Thursday, August 4, 2022

What is green building in civil technology , How do you define a green building?


 The Green building is that the  practice of creating structures and using for that are environmentally responsible and strength  and resource-efficient throughout a building’s life-cycle from sitting to depend on design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction. This practice expanded and complements the classical building design for the concerns of economy, utility, durability and comfort. Green building is also known as a sustainable or high performance building for any type of areas.

Green building

Sustainability is a way as to support meet in the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet the needs of the future. Another term that has come into commons utilization is heights operation edifice. A high performance construction is one whose energy, economic, and surroundings all performance is substantially better than one designed by standard practice. It is an edifice that is healthy to live and work in and it has a relatively low encroachment on the environment.


The green building uses less energy time and water and natural resources than a conventional building look like. It also creates less waste and provides a healthier living environment for people living inside as it compared to a conventional building. The green building overall benefits of green buildings mostly depend depand the extent to which the sustainable features are addressed during the initial planning and design for different areas.


Conventional practices of construction are generally done at the cost of non-renewable natural resources which are not environmental friendly. On the other hand, with the increase in population, demand of infrastructure is also increasing.

To have a sustainable development it is a need of time to upgrade existing conventional buildings into green buildings and have new construction keeping in view green construction. It will not only save environment but it will also give social and economic benefits.


           To convert old buildings into green buildings

           To reduce greenhouse gases resulting in climate change

           To get environmental, economic and social benefits

           To minimize negative environmental impacts

           To enhance and protect biodiversity and ecosystems

           To conserve and restore natural resources

           To optimize life-cycle economic performance.

Green Building


We cover total five chapters including introduction, literature overview, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions and recommendations. In the first chapter a short overview about the green building and its objectives are discussed. The way through which we cover our objectives and modify our building by considering the all parameters needed to convert existing building to green building.

In the second chapter a brief history and a literature review have been done, the past work done and the history of green building. Different green building organizations working in the different region that is every country has its own green building council and its own standards according to their climate and weather conditions. LEED is the one which is worldwide accepted and we also follow the LEED and its standards. In the methodology chapter we cover the methods to check that how much our building is already green and what are the parameters which can be modified to make it fully green and environment friendly.

In the results and discussion chapter we implement our results carried out through analysis and calculation through various methods and similarly by implementing our results to make it environment friendly (Green Building).

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