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Sunday, July 31, 2022

what are the two main types of concrete blocks, difference between hollow and solid concrete blocks?


These are two basic concrete block categories:

 hollow and solid. Both of those concrete block types are typically used during the construction of walls, but are often used for other purposes as well.


Concrete Blocks masonry 

Not mean solid concrete blocks are fully solid, as you’ll see, but they’re more solid than hollow blocks are holle. We’ll discuss the various types of concrete blocks and types — also known as concrete work units or CMU — in more detail down below.


Types of concrete blocks

You’re probably conversant in concrete blocks from your local hardware store, where you'll have heard some of them called cinder blocks. this is often because cinder blocks were originally made in part from cinders that were left over when coal was burned (often at coal-fired plants). The cinders were used as a substitute for sand and gravel in concrete, with the result being lighter and fewer durable cinder blocks.


The terms “concrete” and “cement” also are often confused. Cement is an ingredient wont to make concrete. Other materials, like sand, gravel, and stone, constitute about three-quarters of what you discover in concrete. Cement — a powder formed of clay, limestone, and other substances — is combined with water and added to the combination to create concrete.


The history of concrete actually begins with a kind of naturally occurring cement that formed because of reactions between limestone and oil shale. it had been first discovered in what is now Israel and is thought to date back about 12 million years. Cement has been wont to build everything from the Great Wall of China to the Roman Colosseum.


Concrete blocks are an alternate construction material to brickwork with advantages and disadvantages. Because concrete blocks are larger than bricks, less cement is required in mortar joints to hold them together. However, due to their moisture content and larger size, concrete blocks are more susceptible to movement and cracking when a foundation shifts than bricks are.


Hollow Concrete Blocks vs. Solid Concrete Blocks

There are two main sorts of concrete blocks used in the construction industry: hollow and solid. Fully solid blocks are often used for projects like paving, where stability and sturdiness are important. You wouldn’t want to undertake walking on pavement full of holes.


Hollow blocks, which have holes that take up quite one-quarter (and usually more than half) of their cross-sectional area, are used when building boundary fences and other large structures. The holes make them lighter and may be useful when running wiring or piping through them. you'll also run rebar through the holes for greater stability.


Hollow Concrete Blocks

Hollow concrete block

Hollow concrete blocks are available three grades:


Grade A features a minimum density of 1,500 kg/m3.

Grade B features a density of less than 1,500 kg/m3.

Grade C features a density greater than 1,000 kg/m3.

Grades A and B are used for load-bearing concrete block walls, while grade C is employed for non-load-bearing walls.


Hollow blocks are available several types, which are detailed below.


Solid Concrete Blocks

Solid concrete block

Fully solid concrete blocks appear as if gray bricks but are typically larger. They’re good for creating walls that provide protection against the weather , like strong winds.


They types of block also be used for projects such as garden walls and planters wall, retaining walls, foundations, steps, and firepits and path.

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