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Sunday, September 24, 2023

What Is The Question And Answers For Site Inspector?

Question And Answers For Site Inspector


Q-1  What are duties of site inspector?

Ans:     To check and monitor the work as per MOT (Ministry of Transport)

Specification, MOT Circulars and approved drawings.


Q-2  How to prepare the existing ground or How you will check

preparation of  foundation for embankment or preparation of

ground what operation have to be carried out? 

Ans:  The foundation shall have been clean, grubbed and remove the logs.

Trees, Stumps, weeds and heavy grass etc. and scarified to a

minimum depth of 20 cm, brought to uniform moisture content and

compact it


Q-3 Which type of material is suitable for sub grade?

Ans: A-1-a, A-1-b & A-2-4 with minimum C.B.R of 25


Q-4 What is A-1-a, A-1-b ,A-2-4 & how will your distinguish A-2-4

material dumped at site?

Ans:  A-1-a and A-1-b is the coarser than A-2-4. A-1-a shall be stone
fragments, gravel sand.10 no sieve 50% max passing, 40 no sieve
30% max passing and 200 no sieve 15% max passing and PI 6 max.
A-1-b shall be stone fragments, gravel sand.40 no sieve 25% max
passing and 200 no sieve 15% max passing and PI= 6 max.
A-2-4 shall be Silty clayey gravel sand.200 no sieve 35% max passing
and L.L 40, PI 10 max.


Q-5  What is the asphalt temperature behind the paver?

Ans:  Should be 140-150C. When initial rolling started the temperature of

Asphalt should not be less than 140C.


Q-6:  What is the temperature in asphalt mixing plant required?

Ans:   Should not be more than165C.


Q-7  What are the tools required for checking sub-grade? How checked

surface of compacted area of Sub-grade? What are

the tools required for checking sub-base?

Ans:    The smoothness of surface, oversize not more 1/3 of layer

thickness, moisture can be checked visually at the site, check levels

(surveyor) and compaction by sand cone method (Material inspector) &

required compaction minimum 98%.


Q-8   How you will check rock fill compaction?

Ans:    The compaction of rock fill embankment can be checked by level


will be observed through survey).


Q-9 Which type of material is suitable for Embankment?

Ans:     A-5 or better than it & the material should have minimum C.B.R


Bearing ratio) of 3.00.


Q-10 Before spraying MC-1 what will you check?

Ans:     The conform to the specified compaction and elevation tolerance, free


organic and other deleterious material.


Q-11  How to Prepare surface for the M.C.1?

Ans:     Applying of rotary type power broom and clean with air compressor

then a

Light application of water to reduce the tension and improve of

penetration at  the prime coat on the surface.


Q-12  What types of pouring for horizontal structure?

Ans:     a-By Pump.    b- By Direct      c- By Chute


Q-13  What is concrete temperature?




Q-14 What is the soil classification?

Ans:     Soils are classified as coarse-grained and fine-grained soils. Material


(three3") sieve and retained no( four4) sieve are considered coarse-grained while

passing no4 sieve and retained no200 sieve are fine-grained.

Q-15  What are the types of tests of soil?

Ans:      a-Sieve Analysis  b-Liquid limit  c-Plastic limit d-Plasticity index.


Q-16  What is the requirement for Aggregate base course & what is

aggregate base course?

Ans    The material should be hard, durable, and free from deleterious


Following are the quality requirement and other requirement of ABC

(Aggregate base course):

            a-Sodium sulphate Soundness Loss               12 max

            b-Abrasion loss                                             40 max

            c-Sand Equivalent                                         45 min

            d-Liquid limit                                                 25 max

            e-Plasticity Index                                           6  max

            f-Mechanically 2-fractured faces                    90 % 

            g-Flat and Elongated pieces                           8% max

Other Requirements are:

            a-C.B.R  For (I) Grade I=100 min              (II) Grade II=80 min      

         (III) Grade III= 65 min.

b-Aggregate max size  I) Grade I = 1.5"      ii) Grade II= 1.5"          

                                   iii) Grade III =  1".

           c-Compaction: minimum100%

           d-Tolerance:    12mm perpendicular to the centre line and 10 mm

parallel to     the centre line.

           e-field control strip 200 m long min.


Q-17  Before pouring of concrete what you will check for structure?


Ans: First surveyor has to check the levels and location of the structure.

Formwork & reinforcement should be checked as per bar bending

schedule. All equipments of the contractor should be checked for the

pouring of concrete. Weather conditions also keep into consideration.

Air temperature should be checked.


Q-18 What is difference between sand equivalent & passing 200 sieve?


Ans:   Sand equivalent gives the proportion of clay and dust percentage by

volume and passing 200 sieve by weight.


Q-19  What is P.I?


Ans:     P.I is the difference b/w Liquid limit and Plastic limit. It gives

idea of the clay



Q-20 How you will get liquid limit of the soil?

Ans: From flow Curve. Draw the graph no of blow by moisture content.

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